A Short Quiz


One of the things I’ve been doing during the past couple of weeks is reaching out to several towing friends to check in and to see how things are going. Usually I get an annual update on my friend’s businesses and families at our state towing association’s tow show, but that has been cancelled for this year.

As I listen to their stories about the struggles, challenges, heartbreaks, etc. — as is often the case during trying times — I realize that in the long run, I don’t have it so bad. Like me, most towing companies are just plugging along and I’m happy to hear many are healthy and safe, and sharing some of the tips they have for keeping afloat. The conversations have helped me keep what’s happening in perspective. It felt good to talk to others, as all the news isn’t bad. One tow lady friend just became a grandma.

So, here’s a short quiz for you:


Can you name the last Nobel Peace Prize winner?

Can you name a recent Pulitzer Prize winner?

Can you name athletes who received gold medals in the last Olympics”

Can you name the last woman to be crowned Miss America?

(My answer to all of the above questions was “no.”)


Can you name the last person who told you they loved you?

Can you name a person who recently showed you kindness?

Can you name someone whose smile makes a difference in your day?

Can you name a teacher whose dedication made a difference in your life?

(My answer to each of these questions was a resounding “yes.”)

So, how did you do on my short quiz? I’m pretty sure most of you can list many towing colleagues who you call friends and who you have counted on at one time or another. We hear over and over again that we’re all in this together, so take it from Joseph Addison who wrote: “Friendship improves happiness and abates misery by doubling our joy and dividing our grief.”