Profiting from Low Boy Work, Low Boy Insurance, Tie-down Requirements, Winching and Snatch Blocks, Engaging Employees at Work, Tow Operators as Everyday Heroes and More
The Tow Times August issue has a heavy focus on heavy hauling and transport. We feature towing company owners who explain how they’ve profited after adding low boy hauling to their services, whether you should get lowboy insurance, and guidance from the FMCSA on cargo securement rules. We also cover recovery basics including truck equipment, winches, snatch blocks and rigging options, how company owners may need to change their company culture to lure and retain quality employees, and how tow operators perform good deeds — even heroic ones. And in the Recovery Review department, a tow company lifts and stabilizes a crushed tractor so firefighters can perform a successful extrication. Find all this and more in the Tow Times August issue.