Geri Roskopf’s Blog

The Rest of The Story

After a recent discussion, I researched Paul Harvey and his famous saying, “And now you know the rest of the story.” Here’s what I found: One of the giants of the radio industry was Paul Harvey. Spanning four decades on the airwaves, Paul Harvey spoke in a smooth, velvety voice. He told stories that captured…

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I Hope You Know

Getting ready to go to work, a kiss goodbye and in the tow truck you go. I say a prayer you have a good day and you’ll be safe on the roads as you tow.   It doesn’t matter the weather or road conditions; you just smile, wave and be on your way. I know…

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A Pair of Jeans That Fit Just Right

My Mom didn’t wear jeans because she said she wore them when she went out to work in the barn. I didn’t start wearing jeans until I was in high school. Bell bottoms and hip hugger jeans were popular then. You’re probably wondering what a great fitting pair of jeans has to do with towing.…

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You Better Watch Out

With the holidays here, my granddaughter has been singing many traditional holiday songs like “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” Being three years old, she is often told to “turn her listening ears on.” To me, she’s a typical three-year-old and I can only imagine what she’s thinking when she’s told this, and then her…

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Towing Associations Member Benefits

I just attended the Wisconsin Towing Association’s Board meeting which was held at a member’s place of business. Besides towing, this member does truck repair and this is their second location. The building and facility are brand new and equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. A lot of thought and detail were put into the planning and…

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Rocky Mountain High

There’s a song written and sung by John Denver titled, “Rocky Mount High.” Back in 1972 when the song was released, it was banned by some radio stations as many people thought it meant getting high on drugs, but in reality, it meant getting high on life. Denver found that the beauty, sights and sounds…

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More Than Just Towing

I just attended the induction ceremony for the International Towing & Recovery Hall of Fame & Museum Class of 2024. There are certain eligibility requirements to be nominated. Nominees must meet at least one of the following criteria: tow equipment/product innovation, exemplary dedication, industry leadership and professional achievement. There were nine nominees with three coming…

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Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

I’m getting a bit tired of watching TV and listening to the radio and their ads for what’s coming in November. I’m sure you know what I mean. Several towers I have talked to said they’ve stopped watching TV all together. While not watching TV or listening to the radio seems like a good idea,…

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You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till it’s Gone

Singer/songwriter, Joni Mitchell visited Hawaii and was excited to see paradise. She arrived late at night, and the next morning she threw open the curtains and was surprised to see, instead of paradise, a parking lot. Here are some of the lyrics to a song she wrote after that experience:  Don’t it always seem to…

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Worrying About Everything

As an owner of a small towing company, I tend to worry a lot about everything, but I found some quotes that put into perspective how futile it is to worry: When you worry, it saps you of the energy needed to move forward. “Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry,…

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