Audio Article: Women of Towing – Jordan Dowhy


Woman of Towing

from the July 2022 Issue of Tow Times Magazine

Jordan Dowhy didn’t enter the towing business by choice. One day in 2010 husband Logan announced he was buying a rollback, and the wrecks are history.

“He saw an opportunity, and we both supported it and went with it,” says Dowhy, 33, co-owner of Dowhy’s Towing & Recovery in Kearney, Nebraska. Once in the towing and recovery business, she embraced it. “I really love the industry. I would have never guessed it,” says the woman who graduated college with a business marketing degree.

Dowhy is a cheery, get-along kind of gal, so the unpredictability of towing and recovery doesn’t faze her. “We kind of go with the flow, and that fits in with towing,” she says. “We kind of like the unknown.” She is sure to tell new hires that towing is not for the fainthearted. “This is not a normal industry,” she explains. “You have to be prepared to walk away from what you’re doing, and take a call.” The native Nebraska couple started in the business with no towing family history. “In this industry I feel like many companies are generational.” Which is true, but slowly fading. Frankly, the industry could use young energetic couples like the Dowhys.

After 12 years in the towing business, Dowhy has become the mother hen of the business. “I play mom, sister and aunt to my employees and their families. Our conversations can shift through all aspects of life throughout the day. Our company is so much more than towing.” Husband Logan is WreckMaster-trained, as are the company’s three drivers. “We’re huge on knowing what you’re doing,” she explains, adding “No job is too far below my level to do.” Dowhy brings some marketing know-how to the company, pushing branding and messaging. All trucks are black and orange, and “wrapped” with the company’s signature tow chains. One of them – a light-duty wrecker – was the first-place winner of the Shine ’n Star Light-Duty category in 2017. “That’s part of our marketing. You know our trucks,” she emphasizes.

Another vehicle, a pre-owned 1989 Peterbilt heavy-duty truck, is known as “Hollywood” because it briefly appeared in the 2000 action movie “Gone in 60 Seconds” with Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie. “Our truck honks at driver backing up from an alley,” Dowhy says. The company is located off Interstate 80, which means Hollywood sees a lot of action, though not of the cinematic kind. Instead, Dowhy trucks are chasing rollovers and jack-knifed trucks. And when not doing that, they are hauling agricultural equipment. “I absolutely adore getting to work alongside my husband.”Jordan and Logan have added a spark of entertainment to their summers with a demolition derby business. Last year, they hosted 20 demolition derbies between June and Labor Day. “We make our summers crazy,” she admits. Plus, they put on a big two-day derby over the new years’ holiday, drawing nearly 300 drivers. “It’s called Cornhusker Chaos,”she laughs.

The long-term goal of the demo derby events, which are planned via her marketing company, Wreckless Promotions, is not so crazy, though. The demo derby proceeds fill their daughters’ college funds, including 3-year old Rivie and 8-month old Bronx Jamesyn. There’s also Logan’s daughter, Morgan, 16. Advancing forward, Dowhy would like to launch a Move Over initiative. “I have a vision of someday spreading the word that it’s more than just a tow truck. It’s husbands, it’s the dads, uncles, our employees,” she explains. She’d love to see Move Over awareness included in drivers’ education. Dowhy staged a Move Over scenario during an annual roadway event, placing dummy legs sticking out of a truck as if a towing operator were hooking up the vehicle. But it didn’t get the response she had hoped. “Parents didn’t like it. They thought it was morbid,” Dowhy says.

Dowhy likely will think of another approach. “I feel like I’ve had to fight for my respect. I know what I’m talking about”.