Will You Sponsor/Donate?


I don’t think there’s a week that goes by that I don’t receive a phone call or someone stops in the shop asking if my business will sponsor an event or team, donate a door prize or place an ad in the local paper or program. While I’d love to give something to everyone who asks, it just is not financially possible.

I totally believe in supporting charitable events, community events, fundraisers, athletic teams, etc. And I realize that by supporting them, my business is then associated with the event by customers, attendees and possibly the media.

Here’s a list of marketing advantages of supporting these types of events:

  • Help shape consumer attitudes — if a consumer supports the same thing, they’re more likely to have a positive attitude towards your company.
  • Drive sales — it’s a way to introduce consumers to your services.
  • Name recognition — having your name listed on a program is an apportunity to reach more customers.
  • Generate media exposure — media coverage often includes the names of sponsors, which can tie your logo to positive publicity exposure.
  • Differentiate yourself from competitors — by sponsoring an event you set yourself apart from competitors by tying your towing company to something positive in consumers’ minds.
  • Taking on a corporate citizen role — by sponsoring a little league team, customers are more likely to perceive you as contributing to their community.
  • Generate new leads — a sponsorship at an industry event can connect you with customers who are actively in need of your services.

While these marketing advantages are great incentives to sponsor or donate, they’re are not totally why I donate, or how I choose what I donate to. Giving — and knowing my towing company is helping the recipients — is also a great advantage — and a great feeling.