What Does It Take?


As a tow truck operator, dispatcher or manager, do you sometimes consider yourself a superhero? What does it really take to be a superhero?

I found some quotes from and about some superheroes that I think could relate to the everyday, hard work done by the members of the towing industry:

“It’s not the armor that makes the hero, but the man inside.” — Iron Man.

We all have special talents we bring to our profession, but what really makes someone special like an Iron Man (Woman) is their heart, character and professional code of ethics.

“Avengers Assemble!” — The Avengers.

“Avengers Assemble” has always been a fantastic catchphrase, as it is a way to call together all of Earth’s mightiest heroes to battle. I feel towers are in the same category of the Avengers. If there was a need to unite to help — not only each other but the community — and you were to say “Towers Assemble,” I know there would be no hesitancy and tow truck after tow truck would line up. What I would really like to see is members of state and national towing associations “Assemble” when there is a need for them to unite for their own causes and challenges.

“I’m the best there is at what I do.” — Wolverine. It’s this kind of positive attitude that makes you the best, and not arrogant. Never stop asking and learning to be better, and be the best at what you do.

“Faster than an airplane, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound,” — Superman. When an incident is quickly and safely cleared and traffic resumes, I sometimes think of my employees as being like Superman.

“Here I come to Save the Day.”  — Mighty Mouse. This is one of my most favorite sayings, and I believe it is exactly what towers do each and every day to help the motoring public.

What does it take? We may not have superpowers or be superheroes, but I know that by working together, we have what it takes.