TRAA Signatory on Letter Ahead of Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act


Towing and Recovery Association of America press release:

With the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021 set to expire at the end of fiscal year 2026, many in Washington are already lobbying hard to have their interests represented in the new version. To combat these efforts, TRAA, as a member of the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks (CABT), has sent a letter to the ranking members of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee, and the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure Committee urging them to reject any legislative language that would increase current maximum truck weight or length limits as they move forward on surface transportation reauthorization.

TRAA has long opposed increases in truck weight. Increasing truck weight would only increase the amount of time our operators would be roadside splitting combination vehicles and in harm’s way. And, unfortunately, Congress has failed to enact legislation that would provide an exemption for towers for both length and weight.

TRAA is actively participating in CABT Hill meetings and is playing a lead role in the CABT with over a dozen members of Congress.