Strong as an Ox


I believe most people have heard the saying “strong as an ox” or “steady as on ox.”

Like horses, oxen are draft animals used for, among other things, plowing and pulling carts or wagons. An ox is actually nothing more than a specially-trained dairy or beef steer. These beasts can weigh 1,500- to 3,000 lbs., and can pull an amount equal to or greater than their weight. They’re a great power source with relatively low costs related to the equipment they use and their upkeep.

I think one could look at today’s heavy-duty towing and recovery equipment and consider it the oxen of our time.  While a rotator is definitely not inexpensive either in purchasing or maintaining, it sure can be the power source to do the heavy work of winching a loaded tractor-trailer out of a ditch.

In the towing and recovery industry you sometimes hear slogans like we’re pulling for you. For its 40th anniversary, the Wisconsin Towing Association used the slogan 40 years of pulling together. Like the ox, our industry has pulled together with the organization of state towing associations and a national towing association. The members of these associations realize the importance of joining together to be strong and steady to help move forward and change and improve all areas that affect our industry. Safety and legislation are examples.

Two oxen together are even stronger and steadier to get the job done. Now, more than ever, our industry needs not only stronger equipment to get the job done, we need everyone to pull together. Let’s all be strong as an ox to continually help and support each other.

Stay safe, and wishing all dads a happy Father’s Day.