

I was opening the wrapper for a Hershey’s milk chocolate bar (you know me and chocolate) and on the back of the wrapper was a suggestion to spend s’more time together.

S’mores is a campfire treat consisting of a toasted marshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two graham crackers. I liked the way Hershey’s used the play on words to get their message out to spend more time with family and friends.

Harsh winter weather is on the way, and can it be brutal on towing companies with the stress and fatigue, along with the headaches of the shortage of tow operators and equipment. While I like snow, I don’t like 12 inches of it dumped at one time, nor do I like the ice and cold, but I can’t control Mother Nature, and what she decides to send. It is what it is, and while some customers can understand a longer wait time, some just don’t get that you can only do what you can do. It’s times like these that I could use a s’more treat and s’more patience.

Winter may not be the best time to start a campfire and make s’mores, but I would suggest making an extra effort to spend s’more time getting together, and perhaps when you do get together, bring along a bag of marshmallows, a box of graham crackers and a few Hershey bars and put a note on them that says “glad we could spend s’more time together.”

Even if you can’t make s’mores right then, you’ll provide a welcome message, and besides, graham crackers are a great alternative to cookies, marshmallows can be placed in hot chocolate, and who doesn’t like chocolate?