Safety First


We have a rug at the shop’s entrance door that reads: SAFETY FIRST. A fellow tower saw the rug and commented it should read SAFETY ALWAYS.

Isn’t that the truth.

Deaths of emergency responders nationwide is attributed to distracted drivers. According to the article in the June issue of Tow Times, at that time “we had lost 12 law enforcement officers, one fire/EMS worker, seven tow operators and one DOT/safety service patrol worker.”

These numbers are unacceptable and need to be addressed. But how do we stop these tragedies? Education and awareness start with all of us in the towing industry.

Tow Times dedicated their June issue to safety. Have everyone in your organization read it from cover to cover, but be especially attentive to the articles, “Tow Truck Lighting,”Surviving the Kill Zone”and “Employee Workplace Safety – Safety is Job #1,” which includes eight important tow operator safety tips.

Any and all helpful hints and tips could save a tow operator’s life. We all want everyone to go home at the ends of their shifts.

Safety First. Safety Always.