Respect, Honor and Remember


National Police Week (May 12-18) is dedicated to honoring America’s law enforcement community. Their motto is respect, honor and remember. As I watched the local news cover the names of the Wisconsin officers being announced at the memorial service for the fallen officers who lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others, I couldn’t help but think of the same type of ceremony I have witnessed too many times to do the same thing — respect, honor and remember — tow operators who lost their lives in the line of duty and the reading of their names at the Wall of the Fallen memorial ceremony.

Like many towing companies, we work closely with law enforcement. I had the opportunity to be involved in our local Citizens Police Academy. The program is intended to educate citizens about police work and is an opportunity for the police department to build a rapport with the citizens they serve.

There were 13 weekly classes and it was a great learning and eye-opening experience for me of the many subjects that were covered and an insight of really what police officers face every day to serve and protect. Some of my favorite hands-on opportunities were going to the range, evidence processing, a K9 demonstration, learning some driving maneuvers (which I was not good at) and the opportunity to participate in a a drive along.

The men and women of law enforcement, just like towers, all want to be able to safely do their job and go home at the end of the day. As the towing industry, let’s make sure to respect, honor, remember and thank them for all they do to serve and protect the citizens of their communities, and to be there to help us safely and quickly clear the roadways.