Missouri Tow Operator Injured After Being Struck by Car


A tow operator was struck and seriously injured by a car as he was winching a vehicle from a ditch in St. John, Mo., on Sunday, Dec. 15.

According to a news report, operator Robert Davis, 35, who works for A2B Towing and Recovery of Hazelwood, was recovering a Saturn from the center median of I-70 at around 7:15 p.m. He was nearly finished and speaking to the driver and passenger in the Saturn when another passenger vehicle lost control on the slick highway and crashed into the rear of the Saturn. Davis was thrown 60 feet and suffered two broken ribs, a collapsed lung and a ruptured spleen. He is hospitalized.

The driver and passenger in the Saturn suffered multiple injuries.

The driver of the vehicle that struck the Saturn was reportedly issued several citations and arrested on outstanding traffic warrants.

A full report appears on Fox2News St. Louis.