Know Before You Tow


While most in the towing and recovery industry think a Know Before You Tow slogan would be geared toward towing operators, I would add all other support specialists in a company such as dispatchers, managers administrative staff, etc.

If I was asked what my job title and duties are, I would say I am an owner of a towing company, a boss, manager, dispatcher, receptionist, payroll – accounts payable and receivable clerk, bookkeeper, HR rep, counselor, parts runner, cleaning lady, coffee maker, and I take care of all other duties deemed necessary. What I am not, is a tow operator.

In order for tow and recovery professionals to do their job effectively, they rely on support professionals like me to efficiently practice safe and timely incident management. That means I handle communication, documentation and tracking of incidents that help improve the efficiency of quick incident clearance, decrease roadway congestion and increase safety for all responders and the motoring public.

As a support specialist, you take care of a customer’s needs by delivering professional, helpful and quality assistance before, during and after the customer’s requirements are met. Also needed is the collective knowledge of which customer or agency is involved, what kind of equipment your company has, who is available and what skill level they have, what calls are priority and secondary calls, what other resources might be needed, the location and time of day for traffic patterns, congestion and keeping track of the weather.

Even though an incident is over and the roadways are cleared, the interaction with the customer, vehicle owner, insurance appraisers, company reps, other tow companies, etc., continues.

The Towing and Recovery Association of American has recognized the important role of towing industry support professionals by preparing resource guides for their TRSCP – Towing & Recovery Support Certification Program. I would encourage all support staff to read the guides and take the TRSCP’S entry level and advanced level exams to help give you a sense of accomplishment — and the confidence to Know Before You Tow.