I’m Just a Tow Truck Driver
I recently heard a tow truck operator say, with some sarcasm, “What do I know? I’m just a tow truck driver.”
This statement really had me boiling. No, you are not just a tow truck driver. You are a professional tow truck operator and if you don’t think that way, then you are just a tow truck driver.
The need to change the image of the towing and recovery profession and industry starts with each of us. There have been some strides in making this a reality, but we still have a long way to go. How do you think most of the motoring public views you as a tow truck operator or the towing industry as a whole? A few years back, I did a survey asking what was the biggest misconception about tow operators. Some of the responses were that they are uneducated, charge too much, dirty, vultures, rip-offs, not honest or reputable, not professional and don’t care.
Wow, pretty harsh responses, and a reality check that some drastic action needs to taken by this industry, and we need to do it now.
Stop using the words I’m just and turn them into I am a professional tow truck operator. Be proud of the professional you are, and let’s turn the image of the motoring public from a negative to a positive. It starts with you and me.