I Ain’t Got No


I ain’t got no college degree. I ain’t no doctor or pro-athlete, but I still see myself as a professional in the towing and recovery industry and the work I do every day. Just because I don’t have a piece of paper saying I graduated with a degree in something, doesn’t mean I’m not qualified, trained, experienced, efficient, competent, skilled or resourceful at the many jobs I do. My higher education has come with a lot of hard work, long hours, getting through many ups and downs and never-ending learning experiences.

I met some friends for coffee at a local McDonald’s and I was quite shocked with what I saw and how I was treated. I haven’t been inside a McDonald’s in a while, but I was always impressed with the staff. They wore uniforms, and were polite, fast and efficient. The restaurant and bathrooms were always very clean.

Not so much this time.

I stood at the counter for a bit. Not complaining about that, but two employees looked at me and turned away, not even offering an “I’ll be right with you,” or even acknowledging I was there.

I noticed that none of the employees wore uniforms. Their hair wasn’t tied back. One of them came around the corner commenting to another employee that they were both wearing the same Hug fashion boots. I noticed that tables needed to be cleaned, and garbage bins needed to be emptied.

Do I think the employees needed uniforms or smiles to make them be more professional at their jobs? No, not necessarily, but it would help.

It doesn’t matter if you work at McDonalds, are a tow operator or a pro-golfer, how you treat others is a big factor in being a professional.