HONK Conducts Continuous Background Checks on Tow Operators Through Partnership with Checkr


HONK Technologies, the on-demand platform for connecting motorists, towing professionals and insurers, has announced the integration of additional fraud prevention capabilities through its ongoing partnership with Checkr.

HONK will now look for recent changes in service providers’ operator’s data to supplement annual background checks. Additionally, HONK restricts previously banned service providers from re-entering the HONK network under a different contact phone number or email address, by matching each background check to an operator’s social security number.

HONK has a network of independent service providers, with more than 75,000 service vehicles across the country, and has long provided free-of-charge background checks to operators, who must meet HONK’s compliance standards before onboarding with HONK.

“Background checks serve as an effective way to assess risk but have traditionally been a point-in-time solution. If an incident occurs even a few days after the report completes, you wouldn’t know about it,” said Sumant Mauskar, VP of Customer Growth at Checkr. “Checkr’s Continuous Check allows HONK to monitor for changes in operators’ records, providing the visibility they need to manage safety on their platform.”

Through partnerships with safety platforms like Checkr, HONK can assure customers and clients that the operator who arrives on scene is who they say they are, has been tracked via GPS through the HONK app, and has passed their background check.

“New reckless driving charges or speeding tickets can strike at any time. HONK is notified immediately when a new charge appears for an enrolled service provider,” said Andrea Hall, Director of Marketplace Operations at HONK. “We take swift action to remove any operator we find to be a high risk or unsafe from HONK’s network.”