Happy National Small Business Week


For more than 50 years, the U.S. Small Business Administration has celebrated National Small Business Week, and this year that week is dedicated to September 13-17.

It’s a time to recognize the small businesses that play a central role in building a strong country, prepared for any obstacles in the future. Did you know that more than half of Americans either own or work for a small business? And they create nearly two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year?

National Small Business Week gives small businesses like my towing business a chance to let customers and supporters know why they do what they do. And it’s a chance to say thank you to the people who keep their businesses going, which includes hardworking employees and their loyal customer base.

I remember watching a newscast in front of a small bookstore in downtown Milwaukee. The reporter announced that the next day the store would be shut down because it was not considered essential. As a small business owner, my first thought was – of course that business is essential. It was essential to the business owner, who started and owned the company. It was essential for their income and perhaps keeping an employee or two employed. To have any business owner told they were not essential was wrong in my book.

When you own a small business, the days and weeks seem to fly by because of all the day-to-day operations. National Small Business Week gives you an opportunity to get the word out to your community, customers, etc. to celebrate the week by supporting you and other small businesses.

Visit the SBA website for more information on what they have planned to celebrate small businesses, which includes your essential, small business.