Five Good Things


I have had many fellow towers tell me they don’t turn on the news anymore. The weather seems to be about the only thing they want to keep up-to-date with. I don’t blame them. My own blood pressure goes up watching the news.

Along with the disturbing local and national news (Is it even reliable news anymore?) there have been several more reports of tow operators killed while working on the roadside. Each time I hear and read about these senseless tragedies it hits me right in the heart. The pain of the loss of a fellow tower is felt by all in the towing and recovery industry. For me, along with the sorrow comes a lot of anger and frustration at why the motoring public doesn’t realize their stupid and distracted driving causes the deaths of loved ones who were just doing their jobs.

I receive a weekly update from a trucking industry magazine, and along with industry news it contains an article titled “Five good things that happened in trucking this week.” It’s a great reminder that with all the depressing daily news, there are still good things happening.

I decided to start my own list of five good things that happened to me this week, and as I started writing them, I ended up with way more than five.

Members of the towing and recovery industry are strong and face adversity every day. I know it’s sometimes hard to see anything good come from a bad situation. Our lives are hurting in so many ways these days, but we all need to focus on five (or even more) good things.