Event in Review: TRAA’s Legislative Action Workshop & Hill Day


TRAA press release:

TRAA’s 6th annual Legislative Action Workshop & Hill Day was another huge success with over 24 states from across the country represented. Together members made real progress towards garnering support for (a) our position that towing does not belong in the FTC’s “Junk Fee” rule, (b) support for the House National Move Over Law Resolution (H.Res.152), (c) advocating against bigger truck policies, (d) educating members on electric vehicle issues, and more.

Collectively we had constituent meetings with over 103 members of Congress and their staffers to discuss the industry and our needs. Plus, the group met with another eight members of Congress and professional staff on key committees for our industry including:

  • Senator Peter Welch, member of the Senate Commerce Science and Transportation Committee
  • Representative Mark Desaulnier, member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and member of the Highway & Transit Subcommittee
  • Representative Brandon Williams, member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit
  • Representative Val Hoyle, member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Vice Ranking Member on Subcommittee on Highways and Transit
  • Representative Sharice Davids, member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the House Small Business Committee
  • Representative Dina Titus, member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Ranking Member on Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management
  • Representative Greg Stanton, Vice Ranking Member of the House Transportation & infrastructure Committee and member of the Highway & Transit Subcommittee
  • Steven Carlson, Chief of Staff for Representative Chris Pappas who serves on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee

The group also met with Larry Minor, FMCSA’s Associate Administrator for Policy and Program Development to discuss the administration’s position on the “Junk Fee” rule and other transportation regulations currently under consideration.

Megan Meyer, TRAA’s Ambassador to Motorsports, shared her personal connection to Slow Down Move Over Law awareness and our shared national campaign.

We also met with Ryan Woodward, Chief of Legislation and Regulatory Affairs for the National Volunteer Fire Council to explore avenues for promoting our shared industry concerns regarding the safe handling of electric vehicles.

Lastly, we wrapped up our time in DC with a state association panel on the industry’s top ten issues.

Your membership and support in TRAA make this good work possible on behalf of the industry.

Look for more on TRAA’s Legislative Action Workshop & Hill Day in an upcoming issue of Tow Times.