Even Though


Like many others during these trying times, I’ve found myself worried, anxious and just … not myself. I was listening to the radio on my way to work and the announcer said if you woke up with a bad attitude to “drop it – just drop it.”

He said it quite forcefully and at first, I was like, what? But then realized he was right. I have to decide how my outlook is going to be — good or bad. Even though there’s a lot of uncertainty and unknown, I have the choice of how I react to it.

Let’s say one of your trucks is down with a broken hose. You have a choice on how you handle this set-back. You can start with: “Man — not what I needed right now. Just add that to the already crappy day.Or, you could look at it as: “Even though I have a truck down, it’s a good thing I can get the part later this morning and have it back on the road by noon.”

The article “Thoughts on Becoming More Professional” in the September issue of Tow Times offers another example. Even though I agree with the article’s comments that great strides have been made towards professionalism in the towing and recovery industry, I like the comments by contributor Justin Cruse, who wrote: “A positive and confident mindset will create the foundation for you to be successful, so lead by example. You will only earn the respect of your peers by establishing the right balance between physical capability and mental character.”

I believe Justin’s comments are spot on.  Even though we may be competitors, “If you want to become a true professional operator, you will quickly realize that we must work together in order to move this industry forward.”

Puts a different perspective on professionalism, doesn’t it?