Don’t Count Us Out


I read an interesting article on Justin Cruse of WreckMaster, who was recently named the 2020 Towman of the Year by American Towman.  Justin is definitely striving to accomplish what his father Donnie Cruse did in 1991.

Justin has a vision for the company that encompasses many aspects facing the towing and recovery industry in regard to training, certification, respect and cooperation.

Justin recognizes the need to deliver training and also the need to separate that from certification. He said, “training and knowledge comes from many different sources, and as such, certification should be a measure of one’s level of competency.”

Investing in training and certification has the potential to allow tow companies to achieve the respect they deserve and attract professional tow operators.

The article on Justin concluded with cooperation, recognizing the need to unite to “work together with other like-minded industry stakeholders” and “to support their state associations as well as the TRAA.”

His next comment really hit home for me. Justin asked “the next generation to open a dialog with those that came before.” He stated: “We got here from the support of those who built this industry, so I challenge the younger generation, the operator of tomorrow, to engage with those that built this industry so that we know where to take it next.”

I have relied on the knowledge and wisdom of many in the towing and recovery industry to help not only better my business, but myself. After being in the towing business for many years, I now find myself relating to Justin’s quote and offer a reminder to the tow operator of tomorrow: please count on us for what we have learned, and just because of our age, don’t count us out.