Celebrating Anniversary Milestones


I came across an article in the Milwaukee Biz Times Magazine highlighting surrounding area businesses celebrating milestone anniversaries from five years to 125 years. My own business is celebrating our 40th year in business this year.

The author of the article stated: “Starting a business is hard work. It requires courage and a good idea, a great team and even better execution day in and day out, month after month, year after year. To grow and sustain that business for one, two or several generations, it requires innovation, teamwork and determination.”

The owner of a landscaping business, now celebrating 65 years in operation, said he started mowing lawns in his neighborhood and when he purchased land and built a combined office, garage and shop, he and his wife lived in a camper in the parking lot for the next seven years.

Another company, celebrating 40 years, started selling entry hall rugs out of their home. They purchased an old bread truck, piled it high with floor mats and uniform samples and the owner traveled business to business soliciting sales. His wife, a self-taught artist, hand traced designs from a small desk in their basement of company logos to detailed images of machinery.

These two stories hit home for me, as my husband and I started out pretty much the same as these two companies. Basically, building our first tow truck, taking a second mortgage on our home for start-up money and putting trust in each other through all of the good and not-so-good times.

I know many of you can tell your own start-up stories for your businesses. While my husband and I are the mom-and-pop owners of the business, we could not have reached our 40th anniversary without the best employees and the support of our families, towing community and our hometown community.

Congratulations to all industry companies celebrating milestone anniversaries this year.