Best of the Blogs

Couch or Tow Truck

My husband and I were going shopping for a new recliner, and as we walked into the furniture store, the wife of a fellow tower was walking out. We began chatting, and found that she was shopping for a new couch. She said she knew what she wanted, but was afraid to spend the money.…

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Thought I would pass along some jokes to go along with the Valentine card or gift you give to that special someone. The towing and recovery industry can be hard on relationships. Take time to make the ones you love smile today. What did the paper clip say to the magnet? “I find you very…

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Are We There Yet?

As a child, do you remember sitting in the backseat of the car on your way to grandma and grandpas and it seemed like it was taking forever to get there? Remember asking your mom and dad, “are we there yet?” for the 100th time? That’s how I feel right now about going to the…

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What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

When you were a kid, I’m sure you were asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Kids today will tell you they want to be someone such as a firefighter, ballerina, professional athlete or even a gamer. I don’t think many – unless they have grown up in the towing business…

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Happy Birthday Ernest Holmes, Sr.

Ernest Holmes, Sr., was born on January 17, 1883, and the reason to celebrate his birthday is because he was the inventor of the first tow truck. In 1916, his friend John Wiley needed help recovering his Ford Model T, which was off the road and upside down in a creek bed. Holmes eventually got…

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When Distress Turns Into Stress

I can always hear the exasperation in a customer’s voice when they call needing a truck towed. While having your personal truck down can ruin your day, if a truck used for business is down, that is distress that turns into stress. Not only are you looking at the downtime and the cost of towing…

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I Don’t Have Time

I was on a Zoom meeting and one of the participants said she didn’t have time to sit down and read her Tow Times magazine. She said there were about six issues sitting on her desk and that she much preferred scheduling time to read digital content. Another meeting participant agreed, and said statistics show…

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The Secret

My three-year-old granddaughter was so excited to tell me she had a secret. Then she giggled and said she couldn’t tell me it, because it was a secret. I babysat her this past weekend, and she proudly presented me with about 20 little pieces of notebook paper, folded in half, and closed with princess stickers.…

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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

When Thanksgiving arrived, I immediately turned on the local radio station that plays Christmas music. My husband said, “bah humbug.” Not so much to be like Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol, but for him, it was too early to hear Christmas music. Not for me. While I like listening and singing along to songs…

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I was opening the wrapper for a Hershey’s milk chocolate bar (you know me and chocolate) and on the back of the wrapper was a suggestion to spend s’more time together. S’mores is a campfire treat consisting of a toasted marshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two graham crackers. I liked the way…

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