Be a Good Egg


I was decorating Easter eggs with my granddaughter and a few egg idioms came to mind. While eggs and towing don’t seem to be related, I’m sure you’ve heard, or even used, some of the following sayings that offer some good advice:

Good egg. The opposite of a bad egg, being a good egg describes someone who is nice, kind, dependable and likeable.

Walk on eggshells. To be careful not to offend or upset someone.

Last one in is a rotten egg. Used by children (or with adults with humor) as a way to urge others to join in; especially to jump in water.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Great advice to avoid concentrating all your efforts or resources in one area, as you could lose everything.

So, as you are dyeing or coloring Easter eggs, or peeling a boiled egg (or in my case, a chocolate egg) to eat, don’t forget to be a good egg.

Happy Easter!