Are We There Yet?


As a child, do you remember sitting in the backseat of the car on your way to grandma and grandpas and it seemed like it was taking forever to get there? Remember asking your mom and dad, “are we there yet?” for the 100th time?

That’s how I feel right now about going to the Florida Tow Show in April. As I look out my office window and see the snow piled up, and hear the weatherman saying the high for temps will be in the single digits with the wind chill bringing them to below zero, I can’t cross off the days on the calendar fast enough.

I know with the incredible amounts of rain, sleet, ice and snow the country has been experiencing, employees of tow companies are just plain exhausted. When extreme weather hits, it seems like you don’t have enough employees and trucks, and many (not all) customers just don’t get it. As a service industry, we’re here to help the motoring public, but sometimes you can only do what you can do. Safety for your employees is the top priority.

I looked at the website for the Florida Tow Show and it showed the countdown to the show is 75 days, 14 hours, 4 minutes and 50 seconds. A bit discouraging, but also encouraging because at least I know it’s one day closer than yesterday.

Are we there yet?