And the Beat Goes On


February is American Heart Month, and “National Wear Red Day” to show support is Friday, February 7.  Nearly one in three Americans die of cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association would like to change that, stating: “Let’s make a big impact! February is about more than just wearing red; it’s an opportunity to spread awareness, support those we love, honor those that we’ve lost and unite together in the fight against our nation’s number one killer.”

For most tow operators, physical labor is a given, but in my opinion, a cardio workout? Not so much. I try to get up from my desk frequently to get lots of steps in, but it’s not near enough to be get my heart really pumping. I would imagine this would be the same for most dispatchers and other office personnel.

There are five numbers that the American Heart Association recommends everyone should know to take control of their heart health: total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index (BMI). Knowing these numbers can help you and your health care provider determine your risk for developing cardiovascular disease.

There are some risk factors you can’t control such as age, gender and family history, but there are some you can control such as blood pressure, smoking and cholesterol.

Missed lunch hours, lack of sleep, stress, etc., are all factors that affect our lives in this industry, but let’s make an extra effort during February — American Heart Month — to really take a look at how we can improve our heart health — so the beat goes on.