A Different Kind of Fireworks


I looked up the definition of the word “firework,” and it’s a “device containing combustible chemicals that cause explosions or spectacular effects.” The plural of the word, fireworks, is as an outburst of passion, especially anger.

This past week there was a different kind of fireworks at my office. It was a combination of hot weather, frustration, stress and a lack of communication. I think most of us have experienced these kinds of fireworks. The sad part is, that while having a spectacular effect, it definitely was not the kind with ohhhs and ahhhh you watch in wonder. After everything was said and done (literally), it had a different effect — an uncomfortable silence.

Eventually, like the smoke from 4th of July fireworks, the “smoke” in the office finally cleared.

I know this 4th of July will be a lot different than when we’ve celebrated our nation’s independence in the past, but I encourage you to appreciate the celebration fireworks — and stay clear of the kind I experienced this past week.

Wishing you a happy and safe 4th of July.