All Work and No Play
There’s a proverb that towers need to heed to live a fulfilling life balance, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” It’s a reminder that life isn’t just about work, because without play, life’s grind can become unbearable.
I learned this lesson the hard way. When you’re first starting a towing business, you pretty much do everything yourself. There’s no money to hire a dispatcher, receptionist or someone to handle the book work. And when your business is 24/7/365, who has time to take a break? With this mentality of thinking that you have to do it all without taking time for yourself, something and/or someone suffers in your life and that most likely is you!
I hear more and more about balancing life and work. It’s hard, I know, to be at work, bring up a family and still find time to relax or to do something for yourself. The demands on our lives to do more, have more and be successful are all-consuming, all the while keeping your business up and running — and a smile on your face.
All work and no play doesn’t bring about productivity, it brings about burnout and lack of creativity. It doesn’t let you change and be flexible; all the while hindering innovation and invention. You become bored and are boring.
While we all deserve time off to find some joy, all play and no work is as bad as all work and no play. This is where we need that balance.
Life is life, but here’s a reminder from silent film actor Charlie Chaplin: A day without laughter is a day wasted.