Legislative Update: TRAA Speaking at FMCSA Public Meeting


TRAA June 6, 2024 press release:

Late last week, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced a public meeting scheduled for June 21st to engage stakeholders regarding fees that commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operators are charged for towing and recovery services. TRAA has been on the forefront of the industry effort to engage the FMCSA and FMCSA notes our leadership in the notice:

“FMCSA also notes that towing companies have taken issue with this characterization of the fees towing companies charge. Their lead trade association for the towing and recovery industry acknowledges that there are towing companies that engage in predatory behavior but that some of the fees identified by FMCSA are valid and necessary for towing companies to operate and keep the roads clear of disabled vehicles. The towing industry does not believe that the fees charged by towing companies are of the nature that the FTC should regulate in its rulemaking.”

The FMCSA also recognizes that to ensure a productive dialogue, the voices of key stakeholders must be heard at this meeting. As such, TRAA will be one of the few groups highlighted by the FMCSA has been invited to make official, introductory remarks during the meeting. As we noted last month, TRAA President Bill Johnson will be in Washington to attend the hearing in person and represent TRAA. The meeting will have a virtual component and those individuals wishing to attend or participate can register in advance here.

Building trust and relationships takes time, and it should come to no surprise that TRAA has been the predominant voice for the industry in this fight. The FMCSA has attended three Hill Days over several years, including this past March, and we have engaged with them on various issues prior to the FTC’s Junk Fee Rule, including the Speed Limiter rulemaking. Next week, five representatives from TRAA will be in Washington for the Department of Transportation’s Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Summit.

Our efforts extend beyond the FMCSA, as previously noted, TRAA has already met with the FTC and continues to engage with the Commission, including upcoming meetings. TRAA is joined at these meetings by our counsel, who has previously worked as an attorney for the FTC and brings a wealth of experience and expertise. We are also working with Congress, including Senate and House offices on both sides of the aisle as well as committees of jurisdiction.

Please do not hesitate to contact TRAA with any questions.


David J. Garriepy

Vice President, Government Affairs

Tremont Strategies Group (TSG)