Magician and Juggler


My granddaughter went to the state fair and was thrilled by a magician and his magic tricks — and that she was asked to be his assistant.

Then she saw a juggler at an event at the local zoo.

She told me how she took a bow after helping the magician with a magic trick, and asked me if I knew how to juggle. At first I said no — grandma didn’t know how to juggle.

But after a few minutes, I thought to myself: I think I do know how to juggle. Just not by her definition.

A juggler is an entertainer who continuously tosses objects into the air and catches them, keeping at least one object in the air while handling the others. I feel like I’m a juggler because I’m constantly balancing, handling and dealing with several things at once — an employee calling in sick or late, equipment breakdowns, or deciding how to pay which bills.

I think for most working women, the juggling of work and home balance is one of the hardest to do.  You feel obligated to both, but often find yourself feeling like you’re giving up one for the other.

So, I should have answered yes to my granddaughter’s question. Grandma knows how to do some magic, and how to juggle. Sometimes both at the same time.

I think I’ll take a bow too!