Hiring in 2022


A headline in a local business magazine, “Hiring in 2022, the search for talent isn’t getting any easier,” seems to be the talk of most businesses these days. For example, I’ve been trying to get together with a fellow tow lady, but she had to step in to dispatch because they are short-staffed in that area.

Some of the subtitles in the article are:

Hiring in 2022 is no easy task. Challenging seemed to be the main focus, and the reality that the post-COVID labor force has new ideas about what matters to them in life, and what they want in a job.

The need for growth. The article suggested to focus not only on the need for operational maintenance right now, but the need for investing in strategic priorities for the future. The article stated, “With Gen Z, if we don’t listen to how they want to work, we’re going to lose.”

Focusing on retention, hiring with urgency, flexibility is the new non-negotiable, and wages still mater were also highlighted in the article.

One thing I learned from the article was to find a way to give more people more chances. Take the jobs we need employees for, look at what’s needed for experience in those positions, then take the talent the potential employee has and be creative on how to realign and build on that talent to fill the needed job position.

If you have a small towing company like my tow lady friend, you often will have to fill in whenever you find yourself short-staffed. Perhaps instead of trying to find a dispatcher to work an 8-hour shift, maybe offer a 12-hour shift with more days off, or break it down to four or even six-hour shifts.

I guess it’s time to find the “new normal” for hiring in 2022.