B2C Initiative from Ranger SST


The new B2C Initiative from Ranger SST is designed to assist towing and recovery associations increase membership, add a funding source and increase revenue/margins for members.

“Ranger has recently launched a new initiative to create a direct marketing channel to residents in your state,” a Ranger SST press release states. “Stranded motorists call a toll-free number. Ranger first collects relevant information (GPS geo-code for location, vehicle year/make/model, customer name/phone, problem and photos). Then, for a nominal flat fee, Ranger will forward the call information to your member that is in closest proximity to the request for assistance. Motorists receive responsive service from your member.

“Members set pricing (e.g., ranges for light- vs. medium-duty, day vs. night, for hook and loaded miles). Ranger will help fund local marketing efforts to get the toll free number into the glove compartment of motorists. If the marketing/distribution program is in partnership with other organizations (e.g., schools, children’s hospitals, local charities, auto insurers/dealers), rates can be designed such that a portion of the total charges become a contribution to the partners.”

For more information call Ranger SST, 440-498-1495.