Raising the Bar


What’s needed to raise the bar of professionalism in the towing and recovery industry? What will it take to raise the standards of quality or the motoring public’s expectations our industry?

My first thought would be education and communication. I had a lively discussion with a fellow tower about training and the three levels of TRAA certification. He told me he didn’t see the need or value of a certification certificate at all.

My comment back to him was, that piece of paper shows the motoring public that you are better than the guy down the road. It says something to your employees, customers, law enforcement and insurance companies. It shows that you care. You care about safety, training and certification to counter the bad perceptions of our industry. The perceptions that towing operators are rip-offs, dirty, uneducated and unprofessional.

Let’s continue to raise the bar of expectations for our industry. If we don’t start reaching for a higher goal of earning the respect we need and deserve by continuing with education and communication, we’ll just be the guy down the road.