17th Annual Tow Trucks for Tots Parade — November 10, 2024, Joliet, IL


Tow Trucks for Tots press release:

Tow Trucks for Tots is a nonprofit 501C that collects toys for children at Christmas time. It is made up of mostly family-owned towing companies, their employees, and the towing community throughout the U.S.

Tow Trucks for Tots has three main goals:

  1. To bring a much-needed toy to a very deserving boy or girl.
  2. To further enhance the image of the towing industry.
  3. To break the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest tow truck parade.

Tow trucks from all over the United States will line up at 6:00 a.m. at the Hollywood Casino in Joliet, IL. The parade will leave Hollywood Casino at 9:00 a.m. The parade will conclude at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, IL. Once at Route 66 Raceway the trucks will be lined up and on display for the public to see. The public coined this parade “The Caravan of Chrome.”

Each year we donate the toys to non-profit organizations for the holiday season. At the Route 66 Raceway, we will have music, the Tow Truck Olympics (where towers compete against each other hooking up cars for the fastest time), food, prizes, and much more.

Admission is free. A toy donation would be appreciated. Start 9:00 a.m. from Hollywood Casino Joliet, IL Arrive 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Route 66 Raceway Joliet, IL Festivities from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

More information can be found at: www.towtrucksfortots.com or Facebook.com/TowTrucksforTots

Call 708-415-2847 for directions, updates, donations or volunteer opportunities.

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors:

Hollywood Casino Joliet, Route 66 Raceway Joliet
Hawk Volkswagen of Joliet, Jerr-Dan Corp., Worldwide Equipment Sales

A Pixel in Time, AutoMedics Towing, Bendi Enterprises, Calumet City Auto Recyclers, Chariot Automotive & Towing, City of Joliet, Dick’s Towing Service, Elite Towing and Recovery, Illinois State Police, Joliet Fire Department, Joliet Police Department, Midland States Bank, Rendels Inc., Rockdale Police Department, Suburban Towing Hazel Crest, The Print Press, Titles for Cars, TommyNow.com, Towbook, Village of Rockdale, Whip Around, Will County Sheriff.