Towing Associations Member Benefits


I just attended the Wisconsin Towing Association’s Board meeting which was held at a member’s place of business. Besides towing, this member does truck repair and this is their second location. The building and facility are brand new and equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. A lot of thought and detail were put into the planning and design of their new shop. I was totally impressed as they even put an old Holmes 500 recovery unit split boom with a yellow, bubble gum light (which really worked) on the top of the building, what a novelty and great idea.

We had called Ben, the son who was running the shop at this location, to see if he would help us with an out of state tow to pick up a container, bring it to his shop and then we would pick it up after the board meeting. For once, everything worked out as planned.

A couple of weeks ago, some girlfriends and I were staying in a cabin in upper Wisconsin for a couple of days. We heard a noise coming from the front passenger side of one of our vehicles, so I called a member of the Wisconsin Towing Association who had a towing company in town. They took the vehicle for a ride and discovered that the vehicle was in 4-wheel drive mode. What a relief to find out it wasn’t anything major.

These two incidences show that networking and willingness to work with each other as towers are some of the best benefits of belonging to a towing association. Asking for help from a company you can trust and the friendships formed are benefits too.

Don’t belong to your state or national towing association? Why not? The benefits you receive are well worth the annual dues.