Thoughts and Comments


The Wisconsin Towing Association recently sent out a survey titled, “Tell Us About Your Company.”

The survey included the usual company information: Name, address, and a brief company history, along with an opportunity to comment on lessons learned, the biggest misconceptions of tow operators, training and certification, and final thoughts.

As I read the responses, several themes began to surface.

Comments on the biggest misconception of tow operators were not good: “Dirty,” “uneducated,” “dishonest” or “un-reputable” and “not considered professionals.” This is something I believe our industry has to continue working on to improve.

Both in-house and outside training (such as WreckMaster) and continuing education (like the TIME Program) was seen as a must. The survey also made it clear that there is a need for setting national standards — such as the TRAA certification programs — to show the motoring public that the towing and recovery industry is made up of professional tow operators and businesses.

On the dangers of working on the roadside the message was clear: “Education and safety — always.”

The biggest changes in the industry included advanced technology in equipment and communication, and the shortage of qualified employees.

With regard to belonging to your state and national association: “the need to work and stand together all the time. strength in numbers.” (I found these words to be so true.)

Other comments included:

“Family comes first, employees are not only a part of the team, but many are considered part of the family.”

“Patience is needed every day and motor clubs; insurance and legislation are still seen as concerns for our industry.”

There were many great missions and/or motto statements, but I agreed with a quote from one of the Wisconsin Towing Association’s founding members: “Tow people are the best people in the world.”