Takin’ Care of Business


One of my favorite bands is Bachman-Turner Overdrive — BTO. I heard their song “Takin’ Care of Business” on the radio the other day and it reminded me of the message the towing and recovery needs to constantly get out to the motoring public with regard to the Move Over or Slow Down law.

National Move Over Day is Saturday, October 17, 2020. The purpose of  National Move Over Day is to push awareness of the Move Over Law, but more importantly, to personalize the message.

Like last year, the Wisconsin TIME Program asked the responder community, including tow operators, to take a photo holding a personal message to post to their agencies/organization’s social media sites with statements such as, “I’m a father and a husband who wants to go home at night. Please Move Over.”

We all know too well how personal each death or “struck by” is for everyone in the towing and recovery industry.  It really does hit home when we hear of another tragedy, and while there are arguments about how effective the Move Over Slow Down Law is, we need to constantly keep putting these reminders out to the motoring public.

I hear so many stories from not only my tow operators, but others who say that without their sixth sense of feeling some sort of danger while working on the side of the road, they wouldn’t be here today.

Like the songs says, we all need to “take care of business” to show distracted drivers the reality of who really is taking care of business while working out on the roadways – real men and women who just want to safely do their job and go home at night.