Not Another Meeting!


The Wisconsin Towing Association held its Board of Directors meeting along with an Education Committee planning meeting this past weekend. While I often don’t want to attend meetings — for whatever organization I belong to — I do look forward to these meetings.

I’ve always said the members of the WTA are my towing family. Like every family, members (and even me) can sometimes be a PITB (pain in the butt.) But you also realize that while being competitors, they still are your colleagues. In the long run, I know we’re all there for each other in this crazy towing and recovery industry.

What a relief it is to be able to call on a fellow tower for help whenever I need it, to bounce an idea off of them, or just to have a listening ear while I let off some steam or complain. That is the value of belonging to your state towing association — the networking and friendships you form.

As I looked around the room at the towers present, I noticed the respect everyone had for each other; the rule of thumb of “leaving it at the door” was obvious. Lots of intense conversations, but, also lots of laughter. We were with people who all know where we’re coming from when dealing with the ups and downs of owning or running a towing business, along with things like legislative and insurance issues.

I felt the meetings were very productive with lots of brainstorming of ideas and positive energy.

I know Zoom meetings are valuable, but I think in-person meetings can’t replace the fellowship aspect of belonging and getting to know other members of an organization — like my state towing association.