Geri Roskopf’s Blog

As the World Turns

There’s a word I use to describe as the world turns and everything that is happening in it today, and that word is crazy. There are a lot more words that can describe what we’re witnessing and experiencing: insane, mad, foolish, out of one’s mind, banana’s, nuts, batty, loony, screwy, ridiculous, preposterous, laughable or having…

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Small Business Week

This week has been declared Small Business Week 2020.  I learned that the “U.S. Small Business Administration counts companies with as much as $35.5 million in sales and 1,500 employees as “small businesses”, depending on the industry. Outside government, companies with less than $7 million in sales and fewer than five hundred employees are widely considered small businesses”.  While my…

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Community Support

My local community has a Facebook page that has been helpful for things like sending out a notification for a missing dog or updates on community events, etc. Recently I read a post from someone asking about a local repair shop. I wasn’t sure how to read into what this person was asking other than…

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Even Though

Like many others during these trying times, I’ve found myself worried, anxious and just … not myself. I was listening to the radio on my way to work and the announcer said if you woke up with a bad attitude to “drop it – just drop it.” He said it quite forcefully and at first,…

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Press 1, Press 2

Communication has become so digital that to speak to a live person on the other end of the phone almost seems like a miracle. I had received an email notice of payment for one of our invoices, but the amount didn’t match up to my records. The email advised not to send inquires back to…

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It’s Up to All of Us

The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in August 1920 and gave women the legal right to vote. I was excited and proud to register to vote when I became 18. I knew how hard the women before me had fought to give me that right. I’m sure most of you are registered…

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Trusted Mentor and Adviser

My heart is heavy today as I lost someone close to me, my mother-in-law, Diane. I know I would not have survived learning how to run my business if it wasn’t for her being a mentor and adviser. My husband started helping out at the family-owned service station when he was 12. I started helping…

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Silence is Golden

I learned that the phrase “silence is golden” was originally part of an 1848 proverb that states: “Speech is silver and silence is golden.” Knowing when to keep you mouth shut is a great virtue. Sometimes it truly is better to say nothing at all. It’s a behavior that can show higher moral standards. Silence…

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A Day in the Life of a Dispatcher

I received this in an email from a fellow tow lady and I had to chuckle. Those of you who are dispatchers will certainly know where we’re coming from. No disrespect to the agent from the motor club – we’ve all been there, and you can’t make this stuff up. Motor club:  Hi, this is…

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Five Good Things

I have had many fellow towers tell me they don’t turn on the news anymore. The weather seems to be about the only thing they want to keep up-to-date with. I don’t blame them. My own blood pressure goes up watching the news. Along with the disturbing local and national news (Is it even reliable…

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