Best Laid Plans


Plans to take off for the weekend. Yahoo!

Finally everything is working out — extra coverage for tow operators and phones, vehicle filled up with gas and checked over, bag is packed and I’m ready to go!

Him: Hmm, no not yet.

Me: What do you mean, not yet?

Him: Have to tow a concrete mixer.

Me: Okay. That shouldn’t take too long. I’ll keep working on getting caught up with my book work.

Him, three hours later: The pump that they were going to use to flush out the mixer isn’t working. Going to try Plan B.

Me: What’s Plan B?

Him: Not sure yet, and I still don’t know where I’m towing it after they figure that out.

Me: Okay. This will put us a couple of hours behind. I’ll keep working.

Him: five hours later: Finally in tow.

Me: Big sigh. It is now an hour past lunch time and he won’t be cleared from the tow for another three more hours, and that depends on if everything goes right.

Me: Seven hours later. Decided I should probably eat my lunch.

I should have known that even the best laid plans often don’t work when you’re in the towing industry. It seems there is always one more tow to do.

Guess I should put together my own Plan B!