Holding Down the Fort


When I’m going to be away from the shop for a while, as I head out the door I’ll usually yell out to my employees to “hold down the fort,” or in other words, keep an eye on things while I’m away.

As an owner of a towing and recovery company I have to wear many hats to do my job. While I don’t go out in the tow trucks, I always felt I was needed to hold down the fort (or shop/office) while my employees are out working a scene.

Tow operators, I hope you know that while we put on a “I’ve got this” attitude when you’re out on the roadways, our hearts our pounding a bit harder and several silent prayers for your safety are being said. We try not to worry (we know you know how to do your job), it’s distracted drivers, ever-changing weather and knowing other unforeseen circumstances can happen that we think about. Many significant others do not work in this industry, but they hold down the fort at home. They realize how important it is for their tow operators to know things are being taken care of at home while they’re out working. They know that keeping an eye on things at home helps them to not worry, and concentrate on doing their jobs.

Whether we batten down the hatches, steer the ship or hold down the fort, we’ll keep an eye on things while you’re at work, and we want you to come back safely after every call.